2016-09-22 Swift 3 naming

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Summary: Swift 3 is different from version 2 in the naming department. The short version is that the first label of a function is now mandatory, and that the . . .


< func pageViewsfromContent(content: ENFormContent) -> [VIFormPageView]


> func pageViewsfromContent(content: ENFormContent) -> [VIFormPageView]

Swift 3 is different from version 2 in the naming department. The short version is that the first label of a function is now mandatory, and that the function signature should reflect this.


    func pageViewsfromContent(content: ENFormContent) -> [VIFormPageView]


    func pageViews(fromContent content: ENFormContent) -> [VIFormPageView]

See also: https://swift.org/documentation/api-design-guidelines/