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(for 2015-08-31_Centered_popover_on_the_iPad only)

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  • 10:55 UTC (diff) 2015-08-31 Centered popover on the iPad . . . . Anonymous Below is a nice centered popover on the iPad: popover1.png You can do this by configuring the segue in Interface Builder by: * (obviously) . . .
  • 10:54 UTC (diff) 2015-08-31 Centered popover on the iPad . . . . Anonymous Below is a nice centered popover on the iPad: popover1.png You can do this by configuring the segue in Interface Builder by: * (obviously) . . .
  • 10:52 UTC (new) 2015-08-31 Centered popover on the iPad . . . . Anonymous Below is a nice centered popover on the iPad: popover1.png You can do this by configuring the segue in Interface Builder by: * (obviously) . . .

