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(for 2011-10-05_From_iPhone_to_Android only)

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  • 13:01 UTC (diff) 2011-10-05 From iPhone to Android . . . . 6015 ''This is part 8 of my series where I document going from an iPhone to Android 2.3, running on the Samsung Galaxy Gio.'' Syncing, it turns out, is . . .
  • 12:59 UTC (diff) 2011-10-05 From iPhone to Android . . . . 6015 ''This is part 8 of my series where I document going from an iPhone to Android 2.3, running on the Samsung Galaxy Gio.'' Syncing, it turns out, is . . .
  • 12:59 UTC (diff) 2011-10-05 From iPhone to Android . . . . 6015 ''This is part 8 of my series where I document going from an iPhone to Android 2.3, running on the Samsung Galaxy Gio.'' Syncing, it turns out, is . . .
  • 12:58 UTC (diff) 2011-10-05 From iPhone to Android . . . . 6015 ''This is part 8 of my series where I document going from an iPhone to Android 2.3, running on the Samsung Galaxy Gio.'' Syncing, it turns out, is . . .
  • 12:58 UTC (diff) 2011-10-05 From iPhone to Android . . . . 6015 ''This is part 8 of my series where I document going from an iPhone to Android 2.3, running on the Samsung Galaxy Gio.'' Syncing, it turns out, is . . .
  • 12:53 UTC (diff) 2011-10-05 From iPhone to Android . . . . 6015 ''This is part 8 of my series where I document going from an iPhone to Android 2.3, running on the Samsung Galaxy Gio.'' Syncing, it turns out, is . . .
  • 12:51 UTC (new) 2011-10-05 From iPhone to Android . . . . 6015 ''This is part 8 of my series where I document going from an iPhone to Android 2.3, running on the Samsung Galaxy Gio.'' Syncing, it turns out, is . . .

