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2006-04-27 Perl modules and CGI

Suppose you have a bunch of Perl scripts and modules. Those modules have differing versions and you don't want to hardcode the path in the scripts. And a few of the scripts also run through CGI.

The solution is to set the PERLLIB environment variable for the scripts that are run on the commandline. Point the variable to the directory where you install the particular version of the modules. You could add the following lines in $HOME/.bash_profile:

  # separate multiple directories with a colon.
  export PERLLIB="$HOME/lib/mymodules-rev316"

This can be done for different users on one Unix machine, i.e. if you're testing under user "test-rev316", you'll use the above line. If you're a developer, set it to the directory containing the checked-out source.

For the CGI scripts, the same can be done. Put a line like this in Apache's httpd.conf file:

  # separate multiple directories with a colon.
  SetEnv PERLLIB "/home/bartvk/lib/mymodules-rev316"

This variable can be placed between <Directory> tags, so again different users on one Unix machine can have different values:

  <Directory /home/test-rev316/public_html/cgi-bin>
    SetEnv PERLLIB "/home/test-rev316/lib/mymodules-rev316"
    Options ExecCGI
    SetHandler cgi-script
  <Directory /home/bartvk/public_html/projectWorldDomination/cgi-bin>
    SetEnv PERLLIB "/home/bartvk/src/projWorldDom/client/perl/lib"
    Options ExecCGI
    SetHandler cgi-script

You could even do fancy things with the SetEnvIf directive, where you set PERLLIB according to the URL that comes in. Generally, the above will be OK though.

Don't fall into the trap of delaying the hassle! Sooner or later, another developer will take over the project and will want to leave the current code as is, and continue in another account. If all scripts and modules assume a particular directory layout, this will mean a fair bit of coding and testing before the new developer is up-to-speed.