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Removed: 9d8

< * If you're debugging and your code is waiting for some event (for instance, it does a select() call), then the whole UI will blank out.

Changed: 18c17

< * Building is as good as the makefiles in your project. If you're taking over a project, be sure the makefiles are rock-solid and don't emit funny output.


> * Building is as good as the makefiles in your project. If you're taking over a project, be sure the makefiles are rock-solid and don't emit funny output. I've seen Eclipse bring down a development machine because some makefile jumped into another project and begun compiling there. It worked on the commandline but CDT spawned thousands of instances of ''make''.

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CDT FAQ Strongly recommended

Using Eclipse CDT for Mozilla development An interesting take on Eclipse/CDT

Some warnings:

Current shortcomings:

Coming from Java and starting CDT: