2016-08-16 Filter array in Swift

Here's a bit of code that you can throw in a playground. Given an array with a bunch of objects, it'll filter the array based on a property. Then it'll print the result.

    class MyObj: CustomStringConvertible {
        var enabled = true
        var text = ""
        init(enabled: Bool, text: String) {
            self.enabled = enabled
            self.text = text
        var description: String {
            return "MyObj=\(text)"
    let collection = [
        MyObj(enabled: true,  text: "ja"),
        MyObj(enabled: true,  text: "jawohl"),
        MyObj(enabled: false, text: "no"),
        MyObj(enabled: false, text: "nope"),
        MyObj(enabled: false, text: "non"),
        MyObj(enabled: true,  text: "yep"),
        collection.filter { $0.enabled }
                  .map { $0.text }