2009-06-06 Getting Chrome running on Fedora

Recently, the alpha builds of Chrome for Linux became available. Unfortunately, only Debian and Ubuntu packages were released.

To get Chrome running under Fedora 10, take the following steps:

Download the chrome .deb file

Create a temporary directory in your home dir:

 $ mkdir ~/blah

Unpack the .deb file there:

 $ cd ~/blah
 $ ar x ~/Download/chrome*deb

Unpack the binary code:

 $ tar xfz data.tar.gz

Move the binaries to your /opt

 $ mv opt/* /opt

Now create a couple of symlinks in /lib so Chrome can find all the necessary libraries (apparently these are named differently under Debian and Ubuntu):

 $ cd /usr
 $ sudo ln -s libnss3.so libnss3.so.1d
 $ sudo ln -s libnssutil3.so.1d libnssutil3.so
 $ sudo ln -s libnssutil3.so libnssutil3.so.1d
 $ sudo ln -s libsmime3.so libsmime3.so.1d
 $ sudo ln -s libssl3.so libssl3.so.1d
 $ sudo ln -s libplds4.so libplds4.so.0d
 $ sudo ln -s libplc4.so libplc4.so.0d
 $ sudo ln -s libnspr4.so libnspr4.so.0d

Now chrome can be started:

 $ /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome

Create an application launcher on any panel for easy access.