
Updates since 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC

(for Telis only)

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  • 15:57 UTC (diff) Telis . . . . bvankuik
  • 15:35 UTC (diff) Telis . . . . bvankuik
  • 10:52 UTC (diff) Telis . . . . bvankuik Current shortcomings of the software: * Only 16-bits values supported * Some settings can only be retrieved by first making a setting to for . . .
  • 10:51 UTC (diff) Telis . . . . bvankuik Current shortcomings of the software: * Only 16-bits values supported * Some settings can only be retrieved by first making a setting to for . . .
  • 10:49 UTC (diff) Telis . . . . bvankuik Current shortcomings of the software: * Only 16-bits values supported * Some settings can only be retrieved by first making a setting to for . . .
  • 10:42 UTC (diff) Telis . . . . bvankuik Current shortcomings of the software: * Only 16-bits values supported * Some settings can only be retrieved by first making a setting to for . . .
  • 10:33 UTC (new) Telis . . . . bvankuik Current shortcomings of the software: * Only 16-bits values supported * Some settings can only be retrieved by first making a setting to for . . .

