2008-11-21 Temperature sensor versus PT1000

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< A number of samples is taken from both and then on each series, we do a first-order fit.
< Then for each ASIC sample, we use the determined gain and offset values to calculate the output of the device in degrees.


> A number of samples is taken from both and then on the resulting two arrays, we do a first-order fit. The offset should be 0 and the gain should be 1 otherwise an error has crept into either. For each ASIC sample, we repeat this procedure.

One of the tests we do on the temperature sensing ASIC is to measure the difference between the device and a PT1000.

A number of samples is taken from both and then on the resulting two arrays, we do a first-order fit. The offset should be 0 and the gain should be 1 otherwise an error has crept into either. For each ASIC sample, we repeat this procedure.